For the time zones that participate in Daylight Saving Time (DST - also Daylight Savings Time or Daylight Time) in the United States and Canada, or Summer Time in the United Kingdom, European Union and others, the BSF Online website will reflect the Daylight Saving and Summer Time during the months that it is occurring. Please refer to for more information and for specifics of when (and if) DST is observed in a given location.

Please keep in mind that the location (time zone) of the Online Leader determines the meeting time of the group. For example, if the Online Leader observes Daylight Saving or Summer Time, the meeting time will remain the same for the leader because the website automatically makes the adjustment when Daylight Saving and Summer Time stops and starts. But the meeting time may change for some members in time zones not on Daylight Saving or Summer Time. The Online Leader will communicate any changes in time as they occur.