• Login to your account at bsfonline.org
  • Online Group Leaders: Go to the My Group page by selecting the ‘My Group’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page
  • Online Trainers and Assistant Online Trainers: Go to the My Training page by selecting the ‘My Training’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page
  • Select the ‘Email Group’ button next to your name (Second AOTs can select the ‘Email Group’ button next to the first AOT and manually add the first AOT's email address to the message)
  • Compose an email to your group; note that all the recipients will populate in the BCC section on purpose for privacy reasons


OTs and AOTs can use the ‘Email Group’ function on their OGL’s My Group pages to contact the OGL and their members. 


The BSF Online website ‘Email Group’ function works with your browser and the default email client**. Please adjust your device and/or browser settings as necessary to allow for the website to open your BSF email account and create an email to your group.


As a workaround, you may create a Group within your email client Contacts to use outside of the BSF Online Email Group button. Just make sure to keep it up to date, adding and removing members or leaders as necessary.


**The email function does not work properly for leaders with Apple email accounts (iCloud). The users' email addresses should be separated by commas instead of semicolons. Please replace them manually within your email message.