It sounds like the structure of the notes, lessons, and lectures is set up to follow a specific flow that can be a little confusing at first. To recap:

  1. First Week:

    • The first lecture is the Introduction lecture, which isn’t tied to Lesson #1.
    • On the same page, you’ll find:
      • Lecture: Introduction
      • Notes: Introduction
      • Lesson #1
  2. Subsequent Weeks:

    • In the next week, the lecture covers Lesson #1.
    • The notes for Lesson #1 are included but are listed under Lesson #2.
  3. Ongoing Structure:

    • The lecture and notes are always one step behind the lesson being covered.
    • This structure is intentional and aligns with the printed version where the notes for the previous lesson are included with the current lesson's questions.

So, while it may seem a bit out of sync initially, this system is designed to match how the materials are structured in print, with the digital version following the same format.