Congratulations! You have been recommended as an Online Group Leader (OGL). Please follow the steps below to submit your Leadership Application and to request your Online Leaders Meeting (OLM):


Submit Leadership Application

  1. Login to your BSF Online account
  2. Go to ‘Application & Status’ on the Navigation menu (Account)
  3. Select ‘Apply/Edit’, or select ‘ Candidate Withdraw’ to remove yourself from the recommendation process at any time. If the application is withdrawn, the information is no longer accessible and a new recommendation and application is required. 
  4. After selecting ‘Apply/Edit’, check the box to acknowledge, “I have read and understood the instructions above for the application process.”
  5. Select ‘Next’
  6. Complete all the required fields noted by an ‘*’ (Note: This information does not update your User Profile. To update your profile, please go to ‘Edit Profile’ on the Navigation menu)
  7. If you would like to complete your application later, you may ‘Save’ at any time
  8. When all required fields are complete, and you are ready to submit your application, go to the bottom of the final application page. Check the box to acknowledge “I submit this Leadership Application having answered to the best of my knowledge and ability.” and type your full name into the white box as directed in lieu of a signature
  9. Select ‘Submit Application’


Request an Online Leaders Meeting (OLM)

  1. After your Leadership Application has been submitted, you may now immediately make your OLM selection for your weekly training schedule
  2. Select ‘Request an Online Leaders Meeting’ after your Leadership Application is complete/updated
  3. Filter OLMs as desired
  4. Select the arrow under the ‘Join’ column for the OLM that you want to request
  5. Select ‘Request to Join’ to confirm your selection
  6. The Online Trainer (OT) for the OLM you have requested will contact you soon with further instructions on next steps


Important!If you leave the ‘Application & Status’ page before confirming your OLM selection, you can only get back to the OLM choices through your application. So, go back to the ‘Application & Status’ page, progress through the pages and submit again. Don’t worry! All of your information will still be there in the application. 

Helpful reference for OGL Candidate: What Does a BSF Online Group Leader Do?