• After an Online Group Leader (OGL) has selected your Online Leaders Meeting, you will receive an email notification from bsfonline.org telling you the OGL’s name and email
  • Login to your account at bsfonline.org
  • Select ‘Leaders Management’ under the menu, Management > Leaders Management
  • View the OGL’s application and their recommendation form by selecting the ‘View Application’ button
  • The application is listed first, followed by the recommendation form at the bottom of the page


It may seem like the OGL’s application that Online Trainers view is an ‘incomplete’ view. However, please keep in mind: The OT’s view of the application is a summary. It will not list all the application questions nor the full faith statements that the applicants are agreeing to but does include all information provided by the applicant. If needed, please ask clarifying questions of the OGL candidate during the interview or meet and greet.


Note: If the OGL was recommended in the now obsolete Knack system, they may not have recommendation information in the new bsfonline.org system.


Related article: OT - Approve a BSF Online Group Leader