The ability for Online Group Leaders (OGLs) to update their Leadership Applications is only available during the following time frames:

  1. When OGL candidates select an Online Leaders Meeting (OLM) and before the Online Trainer (OT) approves the OGL candidate
  2. When existing OGLs switch OLMs and before the new OT approves the OGL


1) OGL Candidates - To update your Leadership Application after you have submitted it for the very first time and are waiting on the initial OT’s approval:


  1. Go to ‘Application and Status’ on the Navigation menu, Account > Application & Status
  2. Select ‘Edit/Update’
  3. Complete all the required fields noted by an ‘*’
  4. If you would like to complete your application later, you may ‘Save’ at any time
  5. When all required fields are complete, and you are ready to submit your application, go to the bottom of the final application page. Check the box to acknowledge “I submit this Leadership Application having answered to the best of my knowledge and ability.” and type your full name into the white box as directed in lieu of a signature
  6. Select ‘Submit Application’
  7. Once your OT approves your Leadership Application, it is finalized until the next time you switch OLMs

Please see this article for OGL candidates to submit their Leadership Application for the first time: OGL - Application Process for BSF Online

2) Existing OGLs - To update your Leadership Application when you are switching OLMs please follow the instructions outlined in the OGL - Change your BSF Online Leaders Meeting article


What if I need to update my leadership information and I am not switching OLMs?

When an existing OGL wants to update their leadership information, they should edit their Profile. The Leadership Application is not editable for general updates. If an OGL has changed their status/beliefs on the BSF policies, then the OGL should talk with their OT about this.


Please see this article for information on editing your BSF Online Profile: Edit BSF Online Profile and Account Settings