The following steps instruct how to move a leader and a group to BSF Online (BSFO):


  1. A Group Leader (GL) from a local class is recommended by an Area Personnel (AP) or Class Staff using the recommendation process located in the AP/Class Staff Bulletin
  2. The recommendation is processed by BSF Headquarters, and the GL receives an email with instructions
  3. The GL follows the emailed instructions to submit their Leadership Application (for their new Online Trainer’s reference) and requests an Online Leaders Meeting (OLM) that works for them; see the Support article here for more information: OGL - Application Process for BSF Online
  4. The Online Trainer (OT) is notified and sets up an interview
  5. After the interview and once approved into the Online Group Leader (OGL) role by the OT, the new OGL sets up their Online Discussion Group* by following the instructions here: OGL - Set up your BSF Online Discussion Group

*Important! If you would like to keep your group that is transferring ‘as-is’ and protect any new members from joining, make sure to mark your group as Private under the My Group Settings page. This setting can be changed at any time.


After the steps above are complete, the new OGL provides the instructions below to their members:


  1. Login to
  2. On the landing page, navigate down the page to select the ‘BSF Online’ box (Join our global community exploring God’s Word together)
  3. If prompted, complete the additional required information on the BSF Online Profile page and select ‘Save Changes’
  4. “That’s it! Do not join a group. Notify me when you are complete, and I will add you to our group.”


--> Lastly, after the transferring members have BSFO ‘Online Member’ accounts, the new OGL can add them directly to their group by following the steps outlined here: OGL - Add and Remove BSF Online Group Members