The Assistant Online Trainer (AOT) is first an Online Group Leader (OGL) in the system. Then the Online Area Personnel (OAP) will interview the new AOT and convert them to the AOT role.  

If the AOT is not an existing OGL, please see these articles first:  


OAP and OT work together to approve the AOT candidate as an OGL first. (if already an OGL, skip to the next section) 

AOT Candidate 

  1. 1.  Candidate completes the OGL application and requests the OLM. 


  1. 2. Login to your OT account at 
  1. 3. Select ‘Leaders Management’ under the Navigation menu. 
  1. 4. OT views the candidate’s application and their recommendation form by selecting the ‘View Application’ button. 
  1. 5. OT enters “OAP Interview” in the notes section from the interview under ‘View Application’. 
  1. 6. Click ‘Save Changes’ and then Close to return to the ‘Leaders Management’ page 
  1. 7. Select ‘Approve’ and confirm your selection in the next prompt 
  1. 8.  If the candidate has been approved, you may now view them on the My Training page where the AOT candidate is shown as an OGL 
  1. 9. OT shares application with OAP as needed/requested 


  1. 10. OAP conduct interview using the OT interview script. 
  1. 11. OAP notify OT of successful interview and proceed as below. 


OAP converts the AOT candidate from an OGL to an AOT  

If AOT is leading their current OLM  

1.  OAP changes their role to AOT  

2.  AOT appears for that OLM. 


If AOT will leading a different OLM 

  1. 1.  OAP changes their role to AOT 
  1. 2.  The current OT removes them from the OLM using the Leaders Meeting Settings page. 
  1. a.  Click the red x next to their name 
  1. b.  Click Save Changes 
  1. 3.  The new OT adds them to the OLM as the AOT using the Leaders Meeting Setting page. 
  1. a.  Click Add an AOT at the bottom of page 
  1. b.  Use the dropdown menu to select AOT 
  1. c.  Click Save Changes 


Remember: BSF Online leaders can only hold one leadership role at a time.  If AOT is an OGL with a group, make sure to replace them with another OGL before changing their role to AOT. 


How do I add more AOTs to my OLM? 

The steps are the same as above! OAP is responsible for adding/replacing AOTs.  OTs collaborate with OAP in this responsibility.