Online Meetings

OGL - Best Practices to Host BSF Online Meeting
How an OGL proceeds with a new and unresponsive member is a protocol to be discussed with their Online Trainer.  Some leaders prefer a Meet and Greet/Te...
Thu, 4 Jul, 2024 at 12:26 PM
OGL - BSF Online Substitute Leader
Unassigned OGLs and other OGLs (sub buddy/alternate host), AOTs, and OTs may substitute for the OGL. How Substitute Hosting works: Every meeting has it...
Wed, 29 May, 2024 at 9:05 PM
OGL- Member BSF Online Group Start/Join Links
Preferred and most secure method:  OGL:  To Start Online Group: OGL logs in and clicks the Start Meeting button on the top of the My Group page.  Mem...
Wed, 29 May, 2024 at 9:07 PM