1. Go to the Find a BSF Online Group page
  2. Verify your time zone at the top of the web page
  3. Filter groups as desired
  4. Select the Join button under the ‘Join’ column for the group that you want to join
  5. Create an account or sign into your account
  6. Confirm your group selection by selecting ‘Join Group’
  7. View your group information at any time under the My Group page


Your Online Group Leader will contact you soon to provide group details and which lesson to get started on.


Time zone: The time zone setting is critical, as the website converts the group meeting times to YOUR time zone. The website auto-detects your time zone, but please verify it is correct.


Filter: Use the filter to find available groups based on their meeting day, meeting time, gender, language, and age range. Use these filters and keywords to find available groups with qualities and common interests that are most important to you. 


Selecting a group: Select a group that works best for your weekly schedule and preferences to maximize your availability to attend.


Creating an account: Information on how to create your account may be found here


If your availability or schedule changes, you can switch groups or leave your group at any time. BSF Online offers the flexibility to change your group when your life changes.